You can edit info in case something’s wrong, or simply provide a different IMDb movie ID if the application fails to properly retrieve results. When items are detected in the database, it immediately searches the title on IMDb for corresponding details, and displays them next to the poster, along with rating, description and more. It comes in handy to write down all movies in a TXT document and take it with you, especially because movies can take up a lot of space at good quality. Quickly grabs details from the webīy default, the application targets some common file formats, but files can be of different types. Accessing the options menu is the place to do this, and you can also create custom categories, add file extensions to look up, and even define a few database elements. Needless to say that the application shows nothing in the big center list when it launches, because you need to set up the location of your movie files. You can even take a copy of the collection to show your friends.

One neat advantage is that you don’t have to go through a setup process, because proper implementation of features lack the need to modify any system registries, and can thus be used on the go as well. If you’re keeping the collection organized on the PC, take a look at Movie Explorer to see if it helps you out. There’s a high chance you also want to have a hard copy to add to your movie collection. When that particular movie you’ve been anxiously waiting for the whole year hits the big screen, you’re probably going to watch more than one time.